Keralavoyages-Sustainability Progress Report For Year 2022-24

Prepared by: George Scaria, Sustainability Co Ordinator

Date: 30 August 2024


Keralavoyages is an Inbound Tour Operator Accredited by Ministry Of Tourism, Govt Of India and Department Of Tourism, Govt Of Kerala. Since its inception, Company had a humble beginning but a local ethos believing in doing good to everything concerned. Company is known for its personalised connection to its customers, team members and suppliers. Company believed in the human element in all areas of operations. In 2020, Keralavoyages became the first Travelife Certified Sustainable Tour Operator in India. This certification helped us to identify more areas for improving our sustainability and bringing the same to our clients and suppliers.

We fully understand that Sustainability is an ongoing process and we try our best to improve the same in our daily operations. We have also tried our best to publish our initiatives on our website and through newsletters so that our stakeholders become more aware about our initiatives. In this report, we aim to update few points which we tried to implement in our operations as a part of our progressing sustainability.


Statutory Certifications

We always believed in running the business in the most ethical way by abiding all mandatory licenses and accreditations. During the report period, two renewals were due . The first one is the Accreditation from Ministry Of Tourism, Govt Of India which is now renewed up to 2029 where the renewal is for 5 years. Also the Accreditation from Department Of Tourism, Govt Of Kerala is now renewed up to 2025 where the renewal is for two years. All other statutory compliances are in place and up to date.


Social Project at Snehanilayam Special School

A social project to support Snehanilayam Special School was in the planning during the previous years. We are happy to announce that it took off during the reporting period and we are proud to become a channel in supporting the betterment of the school maintenance. A special fund contributed from our CSR funds goes to the school maintenance funds so that the economically backward, differently abled students could continue their special education at the school. We have also initiated a special Tour Itinerary in association with Ikarus Tours, Germany where every traveller doing this itinerary will visit the school and donate Euro 50 Per Travellers towards the school maintenance funds. Another partner of ours, Planet Abled, an accessible Tour Operator, also joined us in supporting this school and its students. Now this project has taken off and will be an ongoing project.


Water & Power conservation Projects at our Office

Since 2020, we were having  a focused initiative among our team members to reduce the use of water and electricity inside our office. We also requested our team members to extend the same to their homes too. We have now a clear “Switch Off” policy at office and minimal water usage.


Staff Training on Sustainability

By this time, all our staff at our office have completed Travelife Sustainability Training. We are happy to acknowledge their day to day contributions towards better sustainability standards. Our company drivers are trained on sustainable tips on how to drive smartly to make lesser negative impacts as far as Co2 emissions are concerned.


Website Update

During the report period, we could update our website with a lot of sustainability content so that our staff, suppliers and other stakeholders including our clients have an opportunity to understand our initiatives and results. Our latest updates are on the Sustainability tips for travellers and Sustainability guidelines for our suppliers.


Sustainable Purchase at Office

We have now a sustainable purchase strategy at office to ensure that we don’t consume any unsustainable materials or stationery at our office. We have completely stopped using any single use plastic stationery at our office.


Human Resources

We believe that unless our own team members don’t love their Company, no customer will love it to work with us. We have a clear staff friendly strategy to sustain our staff which will in turn result in better customer satisfaction. We have also implemented an accident insurance coverage to all our staff at company’s cost.


Sustainable Itineraries Published

We have launched a special section on our website to publish sustainable itineraries so that the travellers can find many suitable options for their vacation which will bring lesser negative impacts while it supports making many positive impacts , especially at the local community levels.


Customer Feedback on Sustainability

We have introduced a Sustainability Section in our Feedback form where we listen to the clients to make improvements and corrections from time to time. While we are trying our best to completely refuse using single use plastic water bottles, we motivate our guests to use refillable water bottles throughout their journey. We will also be happy to guide the travellers to become part of many other social initiatives towards the betterment of local communities at destinations and other bio diversity conservation projects.


Printed Marketing materials

Company has completely stopped printing brochures or other marketing materials and we focus on digital modes. Our team also has introduced digital itineraries, vouchers etc so that we don’t need to hand over any paper documents to our guests anymore. At least, in Cochin, we receive our guests using a digital paging board instead of paper placards.


Site Inspections & Off Beaten Tracks

Keralavoyages always had a strategy of knowing places better before offering to our clients. Site inspections are conducted on regular basis so the our team is updated on the developments at destinations and sustainability improvements at our accommodation units. Knowledge additions are always a part of our standard operating practice.

We have a special focus on finding out Off beaten routes and micro destinations so that it will improve the economic sustainability of the local communities by promoting maximum CBT initiatives. This also reduces the load to already crowded main destinations.


Customer Communication

Keralavoyages always believe in a transparent, detailed communication with all our stakeholders including our customers, throughout the operational process. This helps us to identify any possible concerns during travel . An up to date communication system helps us to clarify what is possible within the limits of the destinations and itineraries.


Social Co Operation

Our Company was always in front to join hands with any like minded people or NGOs for the betterment of our destinations and service standards. We have been working closely with our accommodation partners and Tourism bodies like Responsible Tourism Mission to bring more sustainable impacts in our area. Unfortunately we find a lot of inconsistency among the government agencies but on the other hand, the private stakeholders are improving a lot towards implementing better sustainable projects.

Our latest project is “ Love For Ramamangalam” which we have just launched in association with Ramamangalam Local Self Government and Ave Stella Maris College, a local educational institution in the village. This project is to support the cultural and heritage conservation of the temples in the village along with the cultural centre which teaches traditional art forms to the students in the village. We have taken it seriously to include our fellow Tour Operators In Kerala to be a part of our initiative and we will lead the initiative with a clear aim of conservation of the local heritage and culture along with the social upliftment of the village community.


Co2 Reduction 

As we all know, its not an easy topic. But we try our best. We have started revamping our vehicles towards changing from Diesel powered ones to Petrol versions with the latest , improved emission standards. Our MD changed his local commutation to an electric car which he charges at his home where a Solar system is being implemented to power the entire house utility.

We have also reduced our marketing trips abroad and our foreign trips are at least brought down by 50% when compared to Pre Covid period.Minimal travel is our strategy now.


Communication to Hotels

We have started a system of communication to our regular accommodation units requesting them to do all their best towards sustainability and to guide our guests to understand the sustainable options at the accommodation units. We also have a strategy to pick and choose the units with minimum sustainability standards . We avoid promoting or offering the huge inventory hotels which creates a negative impact to the local environment and local community. We also have a policy to choose hotels which are keen to have a healthy and mutually beneficial relationship with Tour Operators and travellers. We have a preference to hotels owned by local owners where we have an access to the management in case of a concern.


Awards & Accolades

Of course, awards are not our priority, but we have been fortunate enough for receiving few prestigious awards towards our sustainable behaviour. We acknowledge the same as a token of acceptance to our humble sustainable initiatives.


ICRT (International Centre For Responsible Tourism) Award  for sustaining employees and communities through the Pandemic


School Of Tourism Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala-Best Tour Operator For Promoting Sustainable Tour Packages & Green Initiatives in Tour Operations.


The Hospitality Awards-Best Private Tour Operator For Kerala



By submitting this brief report, Keralavoyages, re iterates its commitment to sustainability which is clearly understood as an ongoing process throughout our journey. As our website has an exclusive mention of the contact details of our Sustainability Co Ordinator, any suggestions for improvement are most welcome.





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