Date of approval: June 2020

Our company is committed to sustainable purchasing.

We recognize that the types of products and services we buy each have inherent social, human health, environmental and economic impacts. Our company therefore endeavours to make procurement decisions that embody the company’s commitment to sustainability. Responsible procurement will be given systematic consideration alongside factors such as price and quality. We encourage our suppliers to work with us and to improve continuously with respect to the Policy.

Wherever possible, all staff will pursue the following goals and adhere to the specified principles when purchasing products, material and services.


This policy will be part of the Sustainability Policy. The policy is applicable to the procurement activities conducted by all employees of our company.

This policy is effective immediately after approval by Managing Director and circulation to staff. The policy will be formally reviewed every 2 years to ensure its relevancy. The Managing Director or an officer delegated with such authority must approve any deviations to this policy.

Sustainable Purchasing Principles

Our Sustainable Procurement Policy has the following core principles:

  1. Minimal and bulk purchasing

Purchasing shall only be made once it has been determined that the product or service is necessary. Purchase decisions shall be made in the context of the waste hierarchy to avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle. Regularly used products are purchased in bulk in order to reduce the amount of packaging materials.

  1. Fair products

We will prefer locally produced, organic and where possible fair-trade products. We will ensure that the producer follows fair business practices, including transparency and adherence to law, human rights and economic/social equity, and environmental and animal protection. Fair Trade labeling may help identify such products. Whenever possible, suppliers should be asked to disclose ethical information regarding production and labor outsourcing.

  1. Sustainable option

When buying new equipment (computers, printers, vehicles and the like) our company gives preference to newer, low energy models based on highest local available standards.

General Sustainability Considerations

The following considerations should also be made in the procurement of all products and services:

Use of resources

Running costs are often overlooked when purchasing. This is a short-term view as often the running costs are the most expensive part of the life cycle. Products that are energy efficient should be favored. Care should also be taken to ensure that products using water are efficient and that minimums of raw materials are used.


Consideration should be given when purchasing products as to whether these products can be biodegraded. If not, consideration should be given to an alternative product.


Think about the transportation of the product. Sourcing from local suppliers means local investment and economic sustainability.

Waste management

Ensure that the product purchased does not have any “hidden” costs associated with its disposal.

Minimum toxicity

Purchase material and products that are free of toxic or polluting materials and chemicals. Purchase products and material that will not release toxic substances that can affect human health and pollute water, land or air at any stage of the lifecycle.

Minimum habitat destruction

Purchase paper and wood products obtained from recycled, plantation, salvages or renewable resources. Purchase green cleaning products that don’t result in discharges of toxic chemicals to waterways

Maximum water efficiency

Purchase products that conserve water or use water in an efficient way.

Minimum greenhouse gas emissions

Our company will purchase energy efficient products and materials by checking that the energy rating and efficiency features are the best available for the cost over the lifetime of the product. Purchase renewable energy and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. Purchase goods that have not been transported long distances.

Minimum soil degradation

Purchase products, material and services that will not degrade or pollute the soils, or result in erosion through their use.


Ensure that the minimum packaging is used and that any that is used is reused, or if that is impossible, recycled by the distributor or manufacturer.

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